Now that I’m well settled in the Muensterland I started photographing a lot closer to home.
Thanks to the enthusiasm of my wonderful travel guide I’m getting about a lot and into nature.
While exploring my surroundings I take opportunistic photographs of the environment around me.
My wonderful travel guide can sniff out a view like Lassie could sniff an emergency. Her tracking skills are second to none, and she makes Pocahontas look like a dilettante.
When finding a special scene I make a mental note and go back later to create a more considered and polished image.
Many times something special happens and I’m reminded that with photography you make your own luck.
The golden hour is often when I’m out. This special time of day is rightly famous for the wonderful light it gives.
It’s something we can’t easily see with our eyes.
There is a gap of time when the light continues to change. The exposure times are often long enough that every exposure results in a slightly different mood within the image.
It’s the time that starts with the sunset and then continues until darkness.
Often times few people are about and animals within the fields and forests come awake.
Cities and villages settle down and the mood of the land quietens.
To me it’s one of the most peaceful times of day and to be out with my camera is meditative.